Chelise DiMercurioAug 27, 2019Lauren | High School SeniorB E A U T I F U L Always thankful when a senior trusts me to capture this time in their life. I personally love seeing my grandma's high...
Chelise DiMercurioJun 19, 2018Sidorowicz FamilyAdam, Hollie, and sweet Presley all met with me at Stony Creek Metro Park last week for some beautiful sunset photos. I love being able...
Chelise DiMercurioDec 4, 2017Jordyn | PortraitsThis. Girl. Jordyn is so obviously stunning, but what these photos also share is her giggly and fun personality. Take a look to see how...
Chelise DiMercurioOct 23, 2017Cameron | SeniorI love to meet relaxed people. Cameron not only shines with beauty inside and out, but has a subtle humor and laid back demeanor anyone...
Chelise DiMercurioMay 19, 2017Raquel + Austin | WeddingGive Raquel and Austin's rainy wedding day a look and feel the joy they so obviously displayed on this March afternoon. #photography...
Chelise DiMercurioFeb 3, 2017Boy or Girl?How exciting to not know what you are carrying in your belly! Cal & Falicia are a beautifully kind (and pretty funny) couple that I had...